Sunday, June 15, 2008

airport: day one

I’m sitting here at the Columbus airport looking towards a really long flight and a long trip.  I’m pretty excited for this trip!  It honestly just feels like the right thing.  My nerves are calm.  Papa has led me on this journey to China from day one.  I never really though twice about going on the trip until after I was accepted!

I’ve never really been alone, never really been the new kid.  I feel like this is a chance of a lifetime to discover more of who I am.  I know parts of this trip will be hard, but I like to go into things thinking about what it will be like to look back on.  When I back I think this will be a pivotal time in my life.  I’m soon to graduate college and the world is in front of me.

I also want to go to China to find Papa.  I feel like I have something to learn here, that I just couldn’t get in America.  I am excited to see the passion of the Chinese people and hope to have opportunities to worship and pray with them.  Pulled away from my comfort zone will be the best thing for me; to lean on Papa alone.


June 16- July 25: Bejing: The first six weeks are pretty organized through Ohio State.  I’m taking 15 credit hours and have regular day trips.  We also take a trip to inner Mongolia. 

July 25- early August: I don’t know. I would love to meet up with a team doing earthquake relief around Chengdu, but there is some complication with dates and training.  I also hope to visit Hong Kong for a bit before flying to Taiwan.

Early August- August 20: I’m meeting up with some friends doing mssion work in Taiwan.  It will be great to be with these brothers and sisters serving and traveling. 

My friends seem to think I'll fit pretty well in China.  I have Asian hair and like Asian Chrstan rappers :)  Many like to joke that I will find my soul mate and never come back.  Over the past couple months I've picked up a few nicknames including Pasian! I look forward to the many embarrassing and hilarious stories that will fill this blog.  Each of you are so dear to me; I am truly blessed in Ohio.  There are a lot of people that are loved and will be missed!

prayer requests: *safe travel *getting adjusted *finding a place to get away for quiet times when I'm on campus *sharing my life and faith with my OSU group and the Chinese students

And so...the Adventures of Paige (or Pei-ji; my Asian alter-ego) begin!


p.s. I’ve never written a blog before, so I don’t really know what to say.  Please write comments and leave questions for me to answer.  This is going to be quite the adventure.  I don’t know what I can and cannot say on this blog, so if I use code words hopefully you’ll understand. 

***special shout out to those crazy friends that saw me off at the airport: I feel so loved :) 


Michael said...

Very cool. I'll be praying that you can find ways to reach out and share Christ with others even though you're there studying, and also for the trip to Taiwan. So does "Pasian" rhyme with "asian" or is it Chinese? You got it, this is what you write on a blog. You just put your thoughts and stories, sort of a modified journal that's sharable with others. With where you are I don't know how careful you have to be.

Yo Me Rindo a El said...

Chica, keep me updated and I'll keep you in my prayers. When you find Papa, tell Him how wonderful He; He likes that a lot.